Episode 9 - Interview with Dennis Radtke (EPP) and Agnes Jongerius (S&D)
Show notes
Dennis Radtke (EPP) and Agnes Jongerius (S&D) are members of the European Parliament. Although they are in different parties they agree when it comes to minimum wages. In fact, they have been working together as co-rapporteurs for the directive on adequate minimum wages in the European Union: They were responsible for drawing up a report with amendment proposals to the Parliament’s Committee on Employment and had to present this report to the plenary; subsequently, they also represented the European Parliament in the negotiations between the Parliament and the Council.
That directive was adopted by the European Parliament and the Council in October 2022. Member states now have two years‘ time to transpose its content into national law. This initiative is a big step for fighting in-work poverty and exploitation and constitutes major progress in implementing the European Pillar of Social Rights.
In this episode we talk with Dennis Radtke and Agnes Jongerius about the content of the directive and it’s impact on workers in the EU.
Here’s the link to the directive in different languages: https://eur-lex.europa.eu/eli/dir/2022/2041/oj?locale=en
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~~~~~~~~~~ ABOUT THE PODCAST ~~~~~~~~~~
We Work Europe is a podcast by EZA (European Centre For Workers’ Questions)
Script and production by Escucha – Audio Identity
Editorial team: Lukas Fleischmann, Sergio De la Parra, Sigrid Schraml, Ralph Würschinger
Narration by Rebecca Sharp
Cover Art by Sofia Wunderling
Intro music by Simon Muthers
~~~~~~~~~~~ ABOUT EZA ~~~~~~~~~~~
Official Website of EZA: https://www.eza.org/en/
EZA magazine: https://www.eza.org/en/eza-magazine
E-Mail: eza [at] eza.org
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