The future of the Welfare State

Show notes

It's something, that makes the EU unique. Its sophisticated design of the welfare state protects us from the risks of life such as unemployment, illness, and aging. Some people argue it's too expensive and its funding inhibits economic growth. Scientists from HIVA and EUROFOUND would strongly disagree. In this episode, we'll find out that the contrary is true. The welfare state is an economic and social advantage, and we should put lots of effort into reinforcing it.

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~~~~~~~~~~ ABOUT THE PODCAST ~~~~~~~~~~

We Work Europe is a podcast by EZA (European Centre For Workers' Questions)

Script and production by Escucha -- Audio Identity

Editorial team: Lukas Fleischmann, Ralph Würschinger

Narration by Rebecca Sharp

Cover Art by Sofia Wunderling

Intro music by Simon Muthers

~~~~~~~~~~~ ABOUT EZA ~~~~~~~~~~~

Official Website of EZA:

EZA magazine:

E-Mail: eza [at]

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