Episode 14 – Is Artificial Intelligence a job killer?

Show notes

Artificial intelligence (AI) has become an omnipresent factor of everyday
life, and not just since ChatGPT has been dominating the headlines for
weeks. The possible uses of AI are increasing all the time, but so are
related concerns about the future of work and jobs. A topic that is
being discussed by the trade unions and in the EU parliament.

In this episode, Jan Pieter Daems, a board member of Vakcentrale of CNV (Netherlands), gives an insight into a trade union’s point of view. He tells us about their members’ hopes and fears and how CNV stands up for the interests of the workers.

Are worries justified? Sabine Pfeiffer, Professor at the German Friedrich-Alexander-university in Erlangen-Nürnberg, says no. Her research focuses on technology-work-society. What is AI able to do and what not she reveals in this episode.

~~~~~~~~~~ FURTHER INFORMATION ~~~~~~~~~~

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~~~~~~~~~~ ABOUT THE PODCAST ~~~~~~~~~~

We Work Europe is a podcast by EZA (European Centre For Workers’ Questions)

Script and production by Escucha – Audio Identity

Editorial team: Lukas Fleischmann, Katrin Brueggen, Sigrid Schraml, Ralph Würschinger

Narration by Rebecca Sharp

Cover Art by Sofia Wunderling

Intro music by Simon Muthers

~~~~~~~~~~~ ABOUT EZA ~~~~~~~~~~~

Official Website of EZA: https://www.eza.org/en/

EZA magazine: https://www.eza.org/en/eza-magazine

E-Mail: eza [at] eza.org

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