Episode 12 - Europe's Resposibility: Due Diligence Part 2
Show notes
This is the second episode of EZA's two-parter on due diligence and Europe's responsibility in in international supply chains.
Almost exactly 10 years ago, the Rana Plaza textile factory in Bangladesh collapsed and claimed more than 1000 lives. Although this accident was not the first in a textile factory for international mass production, the circumstances and dimensions of the disaster drew attention to the production of clothing and triggered a wide-ranging debate on grievances in the global textile industry. below-average wages, excessively long working days and hardly any free time, unprotected handling of chemicals and a lack of fire safety regulations are just some of the problems in the industry. Today we are talking about responsibility. In a two-part episode, we look at who takes responsibility in business and how the EU wants to ensure that human rights and the environment are respected along the entire supply chain.
This is the second part of the "We Work Europe" two-parter on due diligence.
~~~~~~~~~~ FURTHER INFORMATION ~~~~~~~~~~
About the Rana Plaza collapse https://www.ilo.org/global/topics/geip/WCMS_614394/lang--en/index.htm
TruStone Initiative: https://www.imvoconvenanten.nl/en/trustone
Arisa https://arisa.nl/about-arisa-advocating-rights-south-asia/?lang=en
ACV CSC https://www.acv-csc.be/
If you are interested in the work of the European Coalition for Corporate Justice, here you find the link to the campaign "Justice is Everybody's Business": https://www.justice-business.org
~~~~~~~~~~ ABOUT THE PODCAST ~~~~~~~~~~
We Work Europe is a podcast by EZA (European Centre For Workers’ Questions)
Script and production by Escucha – Audio Identity
Editorial team: Lukas Fleischmann, Sergio De la Parra, Sigrid Schraml, Ralph Würschinger
Narration by Rebecca Sharp
Cover Art by Sofia Wunderling
Intro music by Simon Muthers
~~~~~~~~~~~ ABOUT EZA ~~~~~~~~~~~
Official Website of EZA: https://www.eza.org/en/
EZA magazine: https://www.eza.org/en/eza-magazine
E-Mail: eza [at] eza.org
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